Welcome to Sacramento! At last, your move’s finally over, or is it? Not yet! Although you may be tempted to relax and unwind, you still have to take care of several things. One of them is setting up your utilities. Thankfully, you don’t have to stress too much with the help of this guide. Just follow the steps below, and you’ll be chilling in your new living room in no time.
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
To light up your home, SMUD is the first option to call. Serving customers for almost a century, it is among the largest public utility providers in the country. Fortunately, setting up your electricity is pretty straightforward and can be done online. It’s best to transfer your service before moving but if you haven’t, no problem. Just sign up to SMUD’s official site using your government ID, SSN, and new address. Paying your electric bills can also be done online or in person.
- To pay online, you can either call 1-888-742-7683 24 or log in to your SMUD account and pay via the guest option.
- Meanwhile, look for the nearest SMUD station or customer service center within your area to pay in person.
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
PG&E mainly supplies gas services for heating and cooking, serving more than five million households throughout the Golden State. However, it can also provide electricity to areas not reached by SMUD. This private company typically serves most of Northern California and a massive chunk of Sacramento suburbs. You can arrange for starting, stopping, or transferring your service here. Note that you will have to pay a deposit.
City of Sacramento Department of Utilities
The City of Sacramento Department of Utilities is the leading distributor of water services for most urban areas. Serving over 550,000 Californians, it’s also responsible for maintaining sewers and storm drainage services. According to Sacramentomover.net, the city has an average water bill of $66.00. You can start your water service by calling (916) 808-5454 or emailing utilitiescs@cityofsacramento.org.
California American Water
Serving over 675,000 people, California American Water is a water treatment company aiming to provide clean and safe drinking water for every city in the Golden State. It utilizes meters to provide accurate and fair billings to residents. To set up your account, sign up to MyWater or call 888-237-1333 between 7 AM – 7 PM.

City of Sacramento Department of Utilities
As stated earlier, the City of Sacramento Department of Utilities also handles most of the city’s sewer maintenance. Similar to starting your water services, contact (916) 808-5454 or reach out to utilitiescs@cityofsacramento.org.
Sacramento Area Sewer District (SASD)
SASD’s vast pipe collection runs 4,600 miles under the city of Sacramento. Wastewater from your home will travel to lateral pipes in lower areas and then to a system of larger pipes called trunklines. Finally, all the water is dumped to a treatment plant near Elk Grove. If you want to receive service, set up an account by calling +1 916-875-6730 or visit their office at 10060 Goethe Rd, Sacramento, CA 95827, United States.

Trash Collection
City of Sacramento Department of Utilities
You know who to call whenever you need help getting rid of piles of garbage within your property. According to sacramento.cbslocal.com, the average bill for a family with a 64-gallon container is $36.89 monthly. All kinds of waste are collected weekly, while recyclables are gathered every-other-week.

Alright! Now that you’re done setting up your utilities, other aspects of your transition should start falling into place. Again, welcome to the Big Tomato, where everything is as diverse and flavorful as it gets. Can’t wait to have you here for a long time!